
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

yellow - day three

I find that I don't use yellow a lot either, not that I don't like it. Its such a cheery, gorgeous colour, but it is one that is pretty strong and I find that its best used in small doses. Just like in clothing, its a brave or vibrant person that can wear it full strength. But team it with some other deeper, more muted colours (navy and yellow? so crisp and perfect) and it all becomes terribly delicious.

instagram love As you can see I am a lazy cow and again reverted to the tried and true CZ templates to save my bacon. Not a lot of yellow, but just enough to make an impact.  The page is a few of my favourite instagram shots - late to the game I know, but I don't own an i-phone but recently upgraded to a cheap android version, to which instagram has just been introduced. Its got me, hook line and sinker. I love it.  You can see my instagram page link on my blog.

So tell me, do you like yellow? do you scrap with it, wear it? decorate your house with it? (I had a secret, rather impractical ambition to have a yellow handbag. It would not get a lot of use, but geewhiz, I've seen a few of them around. Yellow is IN people!)


  1. Well, you might think it's lazy, but it works so that's all that matters. Love the little block of paper. The yellow and grey are a great combo. I avoid yellow (cannot wear it) but occasionally enjoy using it on a page. You have inspired me to give it (and the template) a go!

  2. Love it. Totally clean and simple which is what we all love! The patterned paper is perfect too!

  3. Really love this! The soft yellow hues mixed with the muted dark reds are spectacular. LOVE instagram.

  4. thanks ladies, but OMG, the typos I have just found in that page now that I have looked on it with fresh, not so tired eyes...

  5. I love it too! And, I am a big fan of yellow and grey and navy and yellow - lovely!

  6. cough...cough...Yes Diane you were right...Instragram is AWESOME...thanks for your wisdom !!!

  7. oh...BRILLIANT page to xxxx love the snapshots of life via Instagram!!!

  8. I've been inspired!!! You can find my layout here ...
