
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Embrace your mistakes.

Well I had a chuckle at my fellow SAG's post here.
That is so something I would do... actually... have done!!! In this page I muddled up the sentence strips. (Sorry it is not a clear is an old page).

Ops! Never mind the the story is told and the moment captured. 


  1. I had to laugh too, as Miss Top of Her English class had just pointed out a massive typo of mine on a layout! At least she is self deprecating and shows utter humility!;-)

    That is one very cute layout Di - the muddled journal strips make it quite adorable!

  2. oh that is me, ever so modest and retiring :-)

    I do notice Di, the sentence strips are still as they were? I think its a great reminder of the personal touch, I bet the girls will get a giggle out of it in years to come about it!

  3. oooh, still love a good strip page. Such a great look. And look at LIvvy, still in Nappies! A timelesss page. :)

  4. Something I have to remember! Still love sentence strips!
