
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

This And That ...

I was beginning to think that November would pass by and I would have hardly scrapped at all. As it turns out, I've made a few pages and most of them have had a lot of journaling on them. Most of my pages have a fair bit of journaling on them so that isn't anything unusual, though, I would say that my recent ones have far more and I am searching out templates with plenty of journal space or an adaptable design that can cope with more than one or two words.

This page is an adaptation of a Cathy Zielske template, one of her Move More Eat Well ones I think.


  1. Love the colours. Your daughter has such bright eyes.
    Sorry I've not been by much later. Life's just been too hectic and I really should be in bed now.

  2. Ooops that was meant to be lately. I'd blame fatigue but I do it all the time!

  3. wow, the colours here are just gorgeous!

  4. great page; girls seem so much more willing to learn stuff, my boy thinks school is just a great social outing! (he is not even interested in letters and words, I think he will be a verbal learner as he can spell his name out loud in a fast rush of letters, but on paper, can't remember what they look like)

  5. Yay for a long journaling! Love your layout and colors!
