
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

No Page Today ...

Yes, you read it right, I have no page to show you today. I blame Di, she started talking about Christmas last week and since then I've been planning and preparing what I am going to do, as far as documenting the season goes, this year.

For the past three years I have followed along with Shimelle Laine's class, Journal Your Christmas, aka JYC. I love Shimelle's classes because, even though our scrapping styles are vastly different, her focus is ALWAYS on journaling. I am not the best at following prompts and my albums have turned into a bit of a hybrid mish-mash that also include many pages from our holidays ... don't forget, Christmas time is also the start of our big summer holidays down here in Australia. I love these albums but they are epics, and quite frankly, I can't be bothered with an epic this year.

The more I look through my albums the more that I see they actually resemble a December Daily format. December Daily is a concept Ali Edwards builds her Christmas album on each year. It is basically a pre-prepared album containing photos and ephemera and smaller stories for the first twenty-five days of December. Now, once again, Ali has a vastly different scrapping style to me, but, the more relaxed format and diary like entries really appeal to me.

What am I doing?

I have decided to make a photobook of the first twenty-five days of December. It will be in a square format and I have decided to use the company Viovio. I don't have to decide the actual size just yet, so as long as I know I am making square pages I make them in the full 12 x12 size and work out printing a bit later.

Each day will be represented by a double page spread ... I know, hold onto your hats, my least preferred format! ;-) One side will be journaling and one side will be photos, either a collage or an enlargement, I can decide as I go depending on how many photos I have and what mood strikes at the time.

My colours?

I am going with a yellow, grey and white colour scheme. Papers are taken from all of these digital packs, I am only using one or two from each.

I am also using these -

A photobook doesn't allow for the addition of ephemera, I don't collect that much anyway and I think a photo of our cards and any special items the kids might make will suffice.
I like to include lyrics to carols, and recipes.
I am also planning to break up the photos a bit with large single pages of paper, journaling on one side and patterned paper on the other ... papers are lovely and I am hoping they add some extra interest as I'm not using any other form of embellishment.

That is about it, I've made up my digital templates and have all my supplies in the one folder ready to go. I know a project like this can seem daunting, but, if you are prepared it is not all that bad .... possibly even fun! I think this will take less than thirty minutes a day and I am more than happy to have a little creative time each day at this time of the year.

So, are you ready to jump in at the deep end with me?



  1. sounds like a great plan and really the secret to sucessfully finishing this sort of project is in the planning! can't wait to see it in have almost inspired me to get out and get into my "christmas captured" project, putting a little bit of each christmas in one album...I have all of the materials and other stuff gathered, just need to assemble!

  2. You have made some beautiful choices here Amy. I love the yellow colors. You are making me want to do this digital!!!

  3. I love the totally non-traditional color choices... which probably make way more sense for a summer-time Christmas than red and green anyway! I still have a hard time imagining celebrating Christmas without the cold and snow and heavy sweaters.

  4. lol not jumping in, I'm never good with holiday projects like this and a few years ago I decided to simplify Christmas and remove things that made me feel guilty. I look forward to seeing your finished project!

  5. I'm totally in for December daily! :)
    I'm using some templates

    Oh and if you are looking for some inspiration Aussie-style I'm also doing a podcast

    Drop me a line if any of you girls are interested in being on the show!
