
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I'm late, I'm late for a very important date

that is what it sort of feels like around here, whoever said there was nothing to do in the country was living in a dream land. ANYHOW, I have opened one of the kids albums randomly and selected the first page that it opened at to share with you today.

IMG_0132A very quick, clean and simple page. Like the simple grid sort of pattern and sticking it straight onto the cardstock with no matt, and the nice white space.

IMG_0133And yes, another instalment in the Chronicles of Dodgy Cakes from my kitchen. At least if nothing else I am consistent. 

I also used chipboard heart that had been languishing around my desk for ages. I never know what to do with them.

IMG_0134 Do you struggle with embellishments and what to do with them? I'm in the less is more party, but sometimes feel I might be leaning towards TOO minimal! what floats your boat in the embellishment stakes? your favourite go to thing... do share!


  1. I really like the design of this page Sharon .. as for embellishemnts, I am hopeless, they scare me ... I am in the category of thinking that thickers and a brad are embellishemnts! ;-)

  2. Sorry about the spelling :-)


  3. Brads are standard embellies and thicker are right up there with full high end special embellies. Are there any others other than brads and thickers???

  4. B&T all the way for me too!!!!

    Love this...seriously we could just do this simple format for all our pegs and be for-ever happy :)
