
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

a digi page

I can't remember where this template came from, the papers perhaps from Oscraps; the page about my boy and his invasion of our bed last year.

It comes in waves, just recently he has started visiting again, which puts a dint in all of our sleep given that he has gone through a grown spurt and isn't as little has he used to be ie takes up more space!


sleepingI haven't printed this yet, but my intention is to print the patterned part around 8x8 and mount on white cardstock as shown in the top example.

I have a question for you too, dear readers:  what do you do with the photos that you don't scrap? do you leave them on your computer? do you put them in boxes? file them in ordinary albums? or Project Life them? Do let me know in the comments, and drop back in on Friday where I will share my solution to this problem!

Thanks for dropping in!



  1. A beautiful page and beautiful journaling - he looks so peaceful!
    I'd like to know what everyone does with the pictures ... I have a few languishing on the hard drive at the moment!

  2. Lovely page. My DD does that with her Grandparents when she sleeps there. Grandma often ends up moving into DD's room for the rest of the night.
    I have too many photos to print - they languish on the computer. some are printed and stored in boxes waiting to be scrapped - I doubt if I will ever get round to doing them all.

  3. beautiful !
    I do my scrap pages with the picture I olove the most, or for testing effects on it.
    With all the other I like I do photo album (blurb, pixum...), really easy and quick. And then I have all my pictures for each year.

  4. wow I love the layout of this page! Will be using it probably for one of my layouts or december daily as well (even though I'm not a digital scrapper)
