
Friday, November 18, 2011

slightly off topic

but still none the less involving our crafty skills, and one that is lingering in the minds of any mums with kids at school and the end of the Australian school year looming (and I for one, cannot wait for the lovely looong summer holidays)...I'm talking Teacher Gifts. Hardest gift ever to think of something different (how many body lotions can one teacher stand?) something useful, something that they will appreciate...

I've trawled around and found some crafty ideas I think may go down well, haven't trialled any myself yet but hope to soon. Hopefully these might come in useful to you, do please let me know how it goes if you do! Photos of course required and we can do another post with the results of your craftiness...And please add any other brilliant ideas you might have in the comments as well, as lord knows we all need some inspiration!

First off: Tile Coasters

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I have a little pile of tiles purchased from Bunnings for not very much money, I have yet to do anything more with them. My thoughts were to glue felt to the bottom as well. Amy has tried this out, see her thoughts HERE.

Now if you sew a little, you could try one of these sweet notebook covers

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or if paper and glue are more your thing, a paper covered notebookP1020690 Another project undertaken by Amy and sent to yours truly as a birthday gift...I love the paper selection! If we ask nicely, Amy just might do a tutorial for us.

Perhaps a little gift box with some cute handmade Christmas ornaments inside. I've just come across this one this morning and it looks intriguing. Link HERE

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This is a brilliant know those clear plastic frames, cheap as chips? What great use of them. Link HERE

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This one I have actually done (for teacher's birthdays) with great results. Supplies I have purchased from Ribbons Galore, however I would think that they would be readily available at any good crafty/haberdashery store like spotlight or lincraft. Tutorial link HERE

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Back onto notebooks, a little ready-made one could also be prettied up and with wrapped in ribbon with a pen attached would make a lovely, useful little gift. (I think this example is made with a bind it all) Full details/links HERE

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And one more, that I wouldn't mind being presented with myself actually....

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which involves no sewing, just some cutting and time with a hot glue gun! Instructions HERE

So, please do share what other crafty Teacher Gift Ideas you might have! can't wait to be inspired.

Back to regular scrappy related matters on the next post!



PS I have linked mostly to Pinterest, the great font of all inspiring ideas, however I haven't checked that all of the links lead to the right place so my apologies in advance if I have given you a bum steer(another great Australian colloquialism!)


  1. I love the little post-it notes with the clear frames .. that is a really good idea!
    I don't know if I mentioned it to you, but the enamel I used to coat the tiles has given them a yellow-ish tinge ... perhaps Nicole can steer me in the right direction as far as that is concerned?

  2. My favourite (and maybe the teacher's too I hope) was organising a card for each child in the class to decorate themselves. They were then punched in a corner and clipped together with a ring decorated with ribbon (I can't remember the proper name - those ones which are hinged and just snap shut). I then made a huge envelope from a sheet of heavyweight, school themed scrapbooking paper.

  3. Hi
    The hunt is on now for the smaller frames to make the post it note holders 3.5" x 5" would be ideal but can only find 4"x 6" in Australia via the internet.
    Cannot get to shops right now (foot operation). Great Idea, thank you

  4. cheryl where have you found the clear plastic frames online? (I haven't gotten near a shop in weeks - live in the country!) the bigger sized post it notes might work well on the 4x6's. thanks

  5. Cheryl, Officeworks and Big W both have these 4 x 6 frames. Very cheap. And I don't think it would matter what size the post it notes are on it - it would just show more of the background paper which would be fine.

  6. Sharon, I found them at
    but really not worth the trouble
    as postage is quite expensive.
    The 4x6 at Office Works will work quite well, - cannot get to Big W
    so $1.99 at Office works will do fine.
